Tacos in CDMX / Tacos Ruben’s, Suadero bathed in memorable salsas.

By Alejandro Pohlenz
I’ve been eating tacos since my first baby teeth came in, although I had never researched who invented them or their etymology.
It is said that Moctezuma, the last Aztec emperor (16th century), used tortillas to hold or support his food. Others speculate that the first taco, in pre-Columbian times, was served when men went to work in the fields, and women would wrap their food in tortillas.
The origin of the word can be traced back to Nahuatl. One theory suggests that "taco" comes from "tlahco," which means half or middle. Another posits that it derives from "quauhtaqualli," which means tortilla. Since that word was difficult for the Spanish to pronounce, it became "taqualli"… taco.
The King of Suadero in Colonia Escandón
Beyond who invented the taco and its linguistic roots, a genius came up with the idea of making suadero tacos (the lower part of the beef abdomen, which is flavorful, especially when cooked for a long time).
In Colonia Escandón, amidst modern apartment buildings, a Chinese bakery, a little shop of sweets and surprises, fruit stands, rotisserie chickens, tangled wires, and parked cars, lies Tacos Ruben’s, which has been operating for 20 years.
Their specialty, of course, is suadero tacos, but they also offer lengua, longaniza, and tripa. What’s the secret? The unique salsas and the precise cooking of the suadero.
Food Police Insider Advice: Why choose one when you can try all the salsas? Go early because service ends soon.
- Address: Av. José Martí 199, Colonia Escandón, Miguel Hidalgo, 11800, CDMX
- Hours of Operation: Monday to Saturday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Ideal for: Lunch and dinner
- Type of Food: Tacos
- Payment: Cash
- Accessibility: No
- Parking: No
- Reservations: No
- Phone: No
- Nearby Public Transport: Metro Patriotismo or Metrobús Escandón
- Pet Friendly: Yes
- Kid-Friendly: Yes
- Vegan Options: No